So, Is that Mohair, or Crochet? *

Every now and then I enjoy taking a few hours to visit some of my favorite antique shops in the area.  Most often, I'm window shopping, inspired by imagining the original owners of the variety of goodies I see.  Now and again, I have a day when I find all sorts of wonders that I can't resist.  Yesterday was a craft-themed day.

I found a trove of vintage knitting and crochet magazines.  Pretty proud that I only brought four home.  Aren't the covers fantastic?

I picked up the crochet hook in the same booth as the magazines.  It was FILLED with vintage linens.  I had to remind myself of the drawer full of my Gram's linens to keep from greedily snapping them up.  The tag on the hook claims that is ivory, but I'm betting against that.  Still, it is comfortable in my hand, especially for a size 1.  

The box.  Oh, the box.  That was from another shop.  It was labeled "tatting".  I didn't look too carefully inside. I was drawn to it as though it had been placed on the shelf for me. Only once I got home did I investigate more fully.

I was gobsmacked to find a stack of hemstitched "blanks" partially made into a project.  My mom recently wondered if such things were still available.  I have linens edged by my Gram, and I wanted to copy some of her work.  And look at this!  The unfinished project of a crafter from days gone by, just waiting for me! It might take a while for me to decipher just how the original crafter created her joins, I'm psyched to give it a go.

Gram taught me to crochet doilies using similar crochet thread.  It will be a return to my crafting roots to play with these supplies.  

What supplies have you eager to get crafting?

*Last night Neal flipped through one of the vintage magazines in an effort to show interest in my finds.  His question made me laugh until my stomach hurt.  He was utterly sincere, utterly adorable!

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