Thankful Thursday


The university is closed today for Veteran's day, but as I usually work from home on Thursdays, it would be easy to miss commemorating the day.  I'm glad I have Thankful Thursday to remind me of those things and people for which I am grateful.

1.  Veterans.  I deeply appreciate the men and women who have (and do) served our country.  I respect the sacrifices and admire the selflessness.

2.  Freedom.  I can say what I want to say without fear.  I can go where I want to go without fear.  I can do what I want to do without fear.  I feel fear so rarely; too many women in the world so rarely have a day in which they do not feel fear.  

3.  My little family. There is not much as sweet as being outside with the dogs when Neal gets home from work.  Tails wag, bounding ensues, and no matter how rough a day either of us has had, we laugh.

What has you grateful today?

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