Ten on Tuesday, Dream Vacation Edition

Visiting Pompei
Originally uploaded by PoMo Golightly

I love to travel.  It is a wonderful adventure to go someplace new, whether alone or with someone I love, where I may or may not speak the language, and where I am certain to feed my imagination with new sights, new people, new art, new ideas.

You can see why this week's Ten on Tuesday fired me up, then, right?  Carole asked for Ten Dream Vacations.  Here are mine, in no particular order.

1.  Iceland. I flew through Iceland on my return home from my semester in England.  I haven't forgotten the landscape and can't wait to get back to it.  

2.  Mohonk Mountain House.  Neal and I spent our honeymoon there.  I have never felt more relaxed in my life.  I love a posh hotel! I'm looking forward to a return trip.

3.  California.  I've only flown through it, and I'd like to rent a car and explore all that it has to offer.

4.  Rte. 66 Road Trip.  I'd like to rent a convertible and drive as much of old Rte. 66 as is still possible.

5.  Spend a summer in Africa teaching English.  Ghana, Morocco, Tanzania.  They capture my imagination.

6.  New Zealand and Australia.  I spent a month in Australia when I was 19, and I'd love to go back as an adult.  I kick myself for not adding a few weeks on to the trip to explore New Zealand, but I would this time around!

7.  Vietnam.  Our "conflict" there was ever-present in my earliest years.  I would like to see it in person after seeing it on film and in texts for so long.

8.  Rent a villa in Italy.  I like the Tuscan region, but I'd be happy to spend a summer anywhere.  I think I could take my cobbled-together Italian to a place of fluency if I could just live there!

9.  Ride my bike across the United States.  The brother of a friend did this when we were in sixth or seventh grade, and I never forgot how cool it sounded.  I'm thinking it may be my 45th birthday gift to myself (hey, I'll need to get my miles in the saddle much higher before I take on such a challenge!).

10.  Get an unlimited plane ticket and travel the world.  Do they still have those?  

How about you?  What is your dream vacation?


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