Ties to the Kitchen 2/28

I made this apron for a swap last year, and since the light was terrible for taking a picture of the apron I actually use, I dug into my archives.  The one pictured is made from a vintage pillowcase to which I added a nice long tie so it could be sassily knotted however the recipient wanted.

When I was a girl, I often helped my mom or my oldest sister bake.  I could fix soup from a can, cereal, and scrambled eggs.  I think that encompasses the level of culinary skill I had until I married and moved out of my parents' home at 21.  Things didn't improve much, especially as my ex-husband is practically a genius in the kitchen.  Still, I added a few more recipes to my repertoire.  Always, though, I loved to bake: cakes, bread, cookies…all of it.

I lost ten pounds the first week F. and I were separated.  Most of that was the shock of being asked for a divorce leading to a total loss of appetite.  Part of that, though, was I didn't really know what to fix for myself, on my own. Over time, and through the kindness of girlfriends, I gathered some new recipes and learned to like being in the kitchen.  There is a real pleasure in cooking for one's self, and one's self alone.  

I cook for two now.  It's a challenge sometimes as I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian and Neal loves meat of all kind.  He's gotten used to eating vegetarian most nights, and once or twice a week when he wants a steak or salmon or whatever, we fix our meals independently.  I confess, the smell of a chicken that has been dressed with gobs of lemon, salt, and pepper makes me consider eating poultry, but I resist.  I don't want it, really.

I declared 2009 the year of the kitchen for me.  The big renovation project ate up a lot of the time I would have liked to have had for canning and cooking, so I've extended the year of the kitchen to 2010.  I received two Julia Child cookbooks for Christmas, which should help me along on my journey to develop my culinary skills.  One of the books is Baking with Julia, and I've been drooling over pictures and recipes a lot.

No matter how much I learn to love cooking, it is the baking that ties me to my childhood and my young adulthood.  It is baking that makes me quiet, brings me peace.

How about you?  What hausfrau activity links you to your past and gives you joy?

Thanks for playing the comment game.  I'm thinking the glamorous prize might be woven.  Does that appeal?

NaBloPoMo 1/28 and a Contest if You Read it All

Karen talked about doing this, so of course, I jumped on the bandwagon.  I'm not trying to squirm out of anything by selecting the shortest month of the year to post every day for a month.  Really, I'm not.  

The NaBloPoMo website offers a theme for each month, and February's theme is Ties.  Provocative, right? I'm going to see if I can connect my daily posts to the theme, and I have ideas for a few special days this month.  It's those regular, run-of-the-mill days that may present the real challenge.

As my long-time readers know, I started blogging in August, 2005, right after I returned to New Mexico for my second year of graduate school.  I was quickly hooked.  I enjoy interacting with other bloggers, and I love getting comments and developing friendships through the blog.  It isn't only the new relationships that keep me tied to blogging; it means so much to me to stay in touch with friends who live far away.  Sure, there are letters, e-mails, and phone calls, but there's something really fun about knowing that if I post a picture of a recent knit, a culinary adventure, or a new color in my hair, my posse will see it.  It's almost like I'm back in Albuquerque showing up at the Flying Star (oh, I want Red Stuff.  And a Buddha Bowl.  One of those ginger cookies, too) to show Scout (look! calendars are back!  Hurrah!) and Mona (soon as she gives the word, I'll have an exciting link for her) what I'm up to, or calling Dana five times in one day to tell her what I'm doing that. Very. Minute.

So, yeah.  Blogging.  It ties me to my peeps.  How about you?  If you blog, why is it important to you?  Don't have a blog?  Tell me how you stay connected.

The contest part?  How about this: I'll post some questions every day in February.  Whoever leaves the most comments (one per day maximum) during my NaBloPoMo project will win a glamorous prize, which I'll show you as soon as I figure it out!!

One last thing before I publish this.  I'm not getting all the comments in my e-mail box, so thank you to everyone who commented on the last post…and I'm sorry I haven't responded yet.  I'll get it figured out!

Let's Get Started

babysitting certification