Happy New Year and Project 333, Phase 1

Today I returned to an annual event that I have loved since the early 1990s and missed since 2004: the New Year's Day hike.  Early in my time in New York, my pal Cheryl invited me to join a group that did the hike for years and years.  I think it was well over 20 years by the time they stopped doing it.  When I moved away, I stopped going on the hike, and I never found a satisfactory replacement for New Year's Day.  There really is no better way to start off a freshly-baked year than to find a place with a view, gather some friends and some tasty treats and have at.  For the first time in far too long, the hike was back.  Do I look just a little excited about it?

Yesterday marked not only the end of 2010, a year that treated me well enough, but also the end of Phase 1 of Project 333.  I'm participating in Phase 2, but I don't think I'll snap the daily pictures again.  Tomorrow I'll share my new list and my final thoughts on Phase 1.  For now, though, you can take a look at 92 days of me and my clothes!

Happy 2011!!

Project 333, Week 6

P333 Week 6.1 P333 week 6.2

This past week marked not only Week 6 of Project 333, but also the two-year anniversary of Coco Chanel's arrival.  She is one funny little puppy (even at two, she's still the puppy to me).

Anyway, want to hear more about P333?  Check out Cheryl's 30-day post, Suzanne's status report, Monica's Day One Report, and Meg's recent report.

And here is my status update in the form of confession.  I have worn my rain boots to campus two times (I change into P333 shoes as soon as I get inside…but there are some deep waters on campus when it rains!), and I wore an old rain jacket to work this week.  It was torrential out there, people, and I could not face a soaked jean jacket.  What does this tell me?  That a good transitional coat is necessary.  I'm thinking that I should admit that Tim Gunn knows of what he speaks and start the search for a fabulous trench.

Another confession: I wear a little clip in my bang sometimes.  I'm growing the fringe out, and there are days I just can not take it flopping in my face.  I suppose I ought to call it an accessory, but I'm not going to.  

One more confession: I tried on those khakis in order to pin them so I could hem them and finally wear them.  To my delight (I've been working hard at this), they were too big*. Into the "out" pile they went, and I replaced them with a pair in my "fighting weight" size.

I'm excited that my L.B.D. is slated to arrive by mid-November (although there have been a few delays, I have faith that I'll be able to wear it for Thanksgiving).  I'm also working hard on a sweater (I left a space on the list for one hand-knit sweater) that I want to wear on Thanksgiving.  Both will re-charge my wardrobe!

I'm getting closer and closer to understanding what I want and need to make a simple, fun and elegant wardrobe that will keep my closet as empty as it is now while giving me lots of good-fitting options.  Can you tell I'm crazy for Project 333?

See all of my Project 333 outfits on Flickr.

Thanks for stopping by and reading about my clothes!

*this is a post for another day, when I decide whether or not it is polite to discuss my weight and fitness issues.

Project 333, Week 2

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday

P333 week2.1
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday…

This week I appreciated the ease of getting dressed with only 33 (technically, 30 as I'm waiting for L.B.D., haven't finished the hand-knit sweater, and I've abandoned the ill-fitting gray turtleneck) items in my closet. You can see all of my outfits since the project's start here and take a look at my stats here

I'll be at Rhinebeck on Saturday and Sunday with no-longer-blogless Sara (she's still a little shy about the blog, but give her some love, will you?), probably wearing something you're seeing in these pictures. If you're playing Blogger Bingo (I am!) and I'm one of your squares, stop me and say hi!  I'm so excited to see my knit pals (and meet some of you in real life for the first time!) this weekend.  

Let's Get Started

babysitting certification