Lent is Here 18/28

Last year I wrote a post about Lent and my experience with attending church.  As Lent approached this year, I thought long and hard about what discipline I wanted to embrace for 40 days.  I tossed ideas around with Neal, but none of them felt right.  It occurred to me on Monday that what I want to use this time for is to be me, only better.  A better Beverly.  Sounds like a plan, right?

Except, really, I need to consider what, exactly, I mean by that.  I mean, it's an on-going thing, attempting to be a better Beverly.  It's not a project to limit to 40 days.  

Then the real plan occurred to me.  

For my Lenten discipline I will examine my life without flinching from the icky bits, without prettying up the ugly parts, and I will draw up a specific plan of action to make the ick and the ugly less so. I'll take the lead of my girl Spring and write a manifesto, and then I will act on the manifesto.  

What would you put on YOUR manifesto?

Let's Get Started

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