It IS Easy Being Green

 Easy to make small changes.  

My syllabi include instructions for proper formatting of papers.  After reading about Change the Margins, I added a note to tell students that if they want to use .75" margins instead of 1" margins in the interest of saving paper, they are welcome to do so.

When a student does change the margins, I feel pretty darn proud to have an environmentally-aware citizen in my class.

What small change toward being green have you made recently?


 Another Soulard shot.  My garden is going gangbusters with tomatoes, and I'm keeping a careful watch on the eggplant.  I'm hoping the summer squash flowers will lead to some bounty on the giant plants that have taken over most of the front yard.

We planted late this year, which means we're a bit behind on gathering produce.  I'm gearing up to plant my fall crops, though, and next year, the garden is going in much earlier!

How does your garden grow?

Let's Get Started

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