Crockpot Brigade

IMG_2435  Blogless Sara reported that her sister had great success with making crockpot yogurt, then Norma posted about it, and the Crockpot Brigade marched.  I can only imagine that Norma's post has struck fear in the hearts of everyone at Stonyfield!  Boy oh boy, did I ever want to join the Brigade, but alas, no crockpot (silly me, thinking they were only useful to meat eaters!  I know better now!).  A trip to Target remedied that problem, and on Saturday, I set to making yogurt.

Could it be easier?  No.  I used organic 1% milk and plain Stonyfield non-fat yogurt.  This batch is a bit thin, despite adding powdered milk.  Next time, I'll strain it to get a texture closer to Greek yogurt.  The only trick is to get your timing right.  I started mine late in the morning, which meant that I had to stay up until midnight to get the finished yogurt into the fridge.  Next time, I'll start it at about 4:30 p.m., and it will be ready for the fridge when I get up in the morning.  

Oh.  You want the recipe?  Sure thing.

Pardon?  Oh, a picture?  Of course I took one, with a dollop of summer (also known as strawberry freezer jam).


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