Last Day Single

Blog-free Kim came over last night to lend a hand with blocking the wedding shawl.  I had soaked it in some Celebrations Soak, then in went the wires.  It wasn’t long before we agreed that pinning it on a sheet over a quilt on the hardwood floor was not going to work.  It needed the bed, so this morning, the bed it got.  I suspect I could block this to be even longer and wider, but my fear of snapping a thread is greater than my desire to block more vigorously.  Want some pictures?

Wedding_shawl_007 Here she is, all stretched out on the bed.  There are some wobbly uneven bits, but see what I wrote above about fear of snapping.  Here’s a close up.Wedding_shawl_008 Don’t you love the way the color undulates?  That Scout outdid herself.

I’ve got a jam-packed day, starting with a cut and color with Peter, followed by a bridal luncheon my sister is throwing me at one of my favorite restuarants, then waxing, nails, favor-making, and final house clean up.  After the honeymoon I have posts to write about unexpected generosity.  There’s a lot of it around, you know, and I was the recipient of some this morning.  Thanks, Erin

I’ll try to pop online to post a wedding picture tomorrow; if not then, I’ll be back on Monday.

Keep those good weather thoughts focussed on Granby, will you?  Doesn’t look hopeful for a garden wedding, but, as so many of you noted recently, the most important thing is that Neal and I will be married…doesn’t matter where, right?


What’s That on the Forecast?

ETA: The power of the bloggers is working.  As of 7:00 p.m., the forecast has gone from rain to few showers!  Keep those sunshiney thoughts coming, friends!

Rain.  A 30% chance of rain on Friday.  Of course, my fabu math skills tell me that means a 70% chance of sunshine.  I just need an hour of sun in the morning for the wedding to be outside.  Otherwise we’ll do a quick emptying of the dining room and get married in there.

Img_0486 There are a lot of plants in the dining room, so with the table removed, I think it will be a good substitute for our pretty back yard.

I know Scout’s been wanting to see the wedding shawl, but it will have to wait just a little longer.  In the interest of getting it done on time without spending all of my time knitting (there are a lot of little details to attend to, even with a small, modest wedding like mine), and after consultation with Blog-free Kim, Cae, and Laura (no longer blog-free), I decided to modify the border.  I’ve done three sets of the eyelet rows, and I’m now halfway done with a picot cast off per Victorian Lace TodayI plan to have it blocking tomorrow, and I’m a little embarrassed to admit that after 10+ years of knitting, this will be my first blocking experience.  After I get back from my honeymoon, I’ll write a post about what knitting this shawl has taught me.  "Pay attention" is the condensed version of that post.

Yesterday Neal’s work friends took us to lunch, then Neal came home early with me.  We stopped to do a little shopping (funny how a weekend trip has inspired us both to make a few wardrobe upgrades), then we went to town hall and got our marriage license.  It was super exciting.  I had butterflies while standing at the counter, and when I held the license in my hands, looked at our signatures, I was awed.  This moment in time is encapsulated in our signatures.  When folks look up family records to learn more about their lineage, these are the moments they find–the excitement of marriage, the grief of death, the joy of home ownership.  Until yesterday, I’d never thought about public records that way, but zowie-pop-rocket, my brain has been spinning around that idea since.  I’ve got that magical "there’s a story in here" gut feeling.  I can’t wait to see what it is.

One final thing before I go on a phone call marathon.  If you’re interested in the Artist’s Date swap, I think the link on the last post is messed up, so try this one, or you can go to swap-bot and search for it. The deadline to sign up is May 25–hope you’ll join us!

Fifteen Days of Singleness

I guess, technically, I haven’t been truly single since Neal and I got engaged, or maybe since we moved in together last May.  In any case I have a breath over two weeks until our wedding.  And a list.  I have a list:

1.  Buy shoes and undergarments and get dress tailored.

2.  Finish Wedding Shawl.

3.  Decide for once and for all where to have brunch after the ceremony.

4.  Schedule someone to marry us.

5.  Get a marriage license.

6.  Order Neal’s seersucker shirt.

7.  Order Neal’s wedding ring.

I think that’s the entire list, but I suddenly feel as though I really need to get my act together. 

At least I have accomplished something.  About 45 minutes ago, I finished the 24th repeat of the Wedding Shawl center panel.  I’m done with that, and now it’s time to pick up stitches.  Despite its being the tail end of my single-hood, I’m not going in for any bachelorette party antics, hanging out in bars, dancing with cowboys.  Stitches are all I’ll be picking up, thank you very much!

Want to See?

Img_0556 Since this picture was taken earlier in the week I’ve knit a bit more.  I’m halfway done with the 17th repeat (out of 24).  If all goes well, I should be finished with the center panel by next Tuesday.  I’m a little concerned about the border as I don’t fully understand what I’ll be doing (or even how many stitches to pick up with this modified length), but I know I can figure it out or find help.

Our wedding is less than a month away.  J. Crew came through for me again yesterday with wonderful in-store customer service when I had to return and exchange the dresses I bought.  I should have the garment that will be my actual wedding dress on Friday.  Here’s hoping for a good fit.  (I chose the ivory one, so you ladies who helped me narrow things down will know!)

Flowers have been ordered, and we’re making a final decision about whether to have brunch at home or at a restaurant.  Until today, we were going to have it here, but the decision is being re-thought.  Invitations were sent last week, and the responses are trickling in.  Our guest list for the May wedding (a bash for all of our friends is planned for July) is small, but I couldn’t resist sending a nice invitation anyway.  Want to see that, too?


If I Only Get One Thing Right

About this wedding, besides the groom, of course, it’s going to be to create the most beautiful lace stole I can.  Time and skill level prevented me from achieving my original dream of spinning my own yarn and creating my own design, but I think that was a fortunate thing.  Look what Scout has made me.  I can’t tell you what it means to me to know that I will knit this beautiful pattern with the yarn of my dreams, made for me by my dear friend, and I will wear it on my wedding day. 

Thank you, chica!

Going to the Chapel…

Since we set our wedding day, I’ve brought up, in small doses, little details that require Neal’s opinion.  Once in a while he gets chatty about the subject, but usually a glaze appears about his eyes after a few minutes.  We agreed early on that roughly half an hour is all I should ask of him in one sitting.  Last week we spent time laughing over websites of Justices of the Peace.  We did not, by the way, select one yet.  I want to ask a friend to get ordained and do the job for us.  She’s got the right blend of spirituality and pragmatism that speaks to me.  We did manage to agree on a few things we want to have read and found a wedding vow that we feel comfortable with.

You know my wedding dress angst.  I found the perfect dress for me, but alas, don’t know a seamstress whom to ask to reproduce it.  I’m not sure I have the time to get into NYC to find fabric, anyhow.  There’s another dress that I like quite a bit, so when my mom gets back from her winter in FL, I’ll go with her to try it on.  Worst case, there is a festive party dress that I adore in my closet.   

Neal’s wedding clothes angst?  "I don’t have to wear a suit, do I?"  Of course not.  I want the man to wear what he wants.  When asked:  Seersucker.  A whole suit of it at first (how quickly we change our minds).  Yesterday, thankfully, the new L.L. Bean catalog came, and in it were seersucker shirts.  In green.  Perfect.  He’s already got a pair of linen pants, so a perusal of his shoe closet, and he’ll be all set.

Are You Friends with JLH?

If you or someone you know is friends with Jennifer Love Hewitt, can you please do me a favor?  I heard back from Hanes about the floral dress that I want to wear for my wedding in two months and a couple of days (not that I’m counting), and *sob* it is from her personal collection.  I’ll continue my search, and I may end up visiting a seamstress, but if you do know her, could you ask about the dress?  I just got off the phone with my sister, and she thought maybe JLH would let me borrow it, but I suspect I’m a different size than she is.  Maybe.

Here’s a quick Runagogo update:  67.5 miles.  Only 32.5 to do, and with the big melt underway, I think I can really do it.

I Found My Dress

Jennifer Love Hewitt is wearing it in the new Hane’s ad campaign.  I’m hoping that a little bit of detective work (mainly an e-mail to Hane’s customer service) might garner some solid information.  Here’s hoping it’s affordable!

I made another wedding decision today.  I don’t want to take the time right now to design my wedding shawl; the design I have in mind will have to wait until my skills catch up a little.  Instead, I’m going to knit Eunny’s Print of the Wave Stole.  Now to decide on a back up yarn in case my handspun doesn’t swatch well.

Thanks for the sock pattern suggestions.  Right now I’m leaning toward Badacaul, although I’m worried it may be too narrow for my sister’s foot.  I’ve still got a bit to go on Neal’s sock, so I have a little time to make up my mind.

Let's Get Started

babysitting certification