I’m Beverly. I live in the woods of Connecticut in a little yellow ranch with my husband and two adorable dogs.
I teach writing at a small public university, work as a tech editor for crochet and knit designers, and as a writing consultant, ghost writer, and freelance grant writer. I teach creative writing workshops both in person and online. While in New York, I worked in public relations writing internal and external newsletters, press releases, speeches, and other communication pieces. As a grant writer I authored and co-authored grants on all funding levels. My clients have included visual artists, musicians, and non-profit organizations. I have published articles about knitting and crochet in Interweave Crochet, Knitty.com, and The Smart Knitter, and you can check out my guest posts and interviews. Once in a while I design patterns, which you can find on Ravelry.
When I’m not crafting words, I’m crafting fiber! Hairpin lace was my gateway craft, which I learned from my mother when I was seven. On a road trip when I was a teen, my gram, Jennie May, taught me to crochet delicate doilies. I was an avid quilter in the 1990s, but a move to a small apartment caused me to tuck away my sewing machine. Lately I’ve been sewing my own garments to support my Ethical Elegance fashion project.
I teach crochet techniques at regional yarn shops and makers spaces. In 2013 I joined forces with photographer Gale Zucker to co-teach about the partnership of beautiful words and dynamic images to create a compelling online presence.