A Breakthrough Moment for PoMo!

Noelle and I met at Flying Star for an impromptu, two-hour SnB.  I was back home by 9:30 and set myself down on the futon to dig into my end-of-semester projects.  I’m writing a discourse analysis paper about how to shift from shorter to longer fiction.  Fascinating.  I know you want to read the paper, but you’ll have to wait. 

So here’s the big moment.  I decided I needed to keep working on the Sockapaloooza socks.  I also needed to skim through a book of essays to see if anything useful was buried in the pages.  Without thinking about it I began to knit (stockinette in the round–sock feet) and read at the same time.  Do you understand?  I KNIT and READ AT ONCE!  I’ve been griping deep in my heart for ages about how if I could just knit and read simultaneously I would be good to go.  Carole once said she just tried to knit while watching a movie (you know, without looking at the knitting) and found she could do it, and I’ve been secretly jealous since then.  Granted, I’m skimming, not studying, but it’s a start!

Back to the books and needles.

7 thoughts on “A Breakthrough Moment for PoMo!”

  1. I love to knit and read! It usually involves a lot of pillows to prop up the book. I read all of Harry Potter 6 last summer as I knit a sweater for my daughter. That and TV are the only way I can get through a project with miles of stockingette.

  2. There is no way I could do that. I can, however, read and practice the viola at the same time. Maybe some day I’ll be able to read and knit. That sounds like a handy little trick to have.

  3. Hello Ms Beverly,
    Multi-tasking at its finest… Chris laughs because I always have books and a pad when I go anywhere with the girls on the off-chance I can watch them & read.
    And now for something completely different:
    The girls and I are going to be in PA for 2 months this summer and would love to see you! I’m trying to pull together the final threads for my book (doesn’t that sound imposing/pretentious) — but if I say it enough, I HAVE to finish it… anyway, I was thinking about blogging the experience for my sanity and because people keep telling me how cool it is that I’ll be living in Gettysburg for 2 months.
    How is your experience with Typepad vs. Blogger? Do you think it’s a good idea to get the feel of blogging with Blogger and then graduate to typepad or does it make a difference?

  4. Did you ever see that Seinfeld where George Castanza thought the most perfect thing in the world would be to have sex and be able to eat a sandwich at the same time? The two most pleasurable acts combined? Is it kind of like that?

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