Meathead, Meathead

Img_1233 I finished my Meathead hat a while ago, but just took the photo today.  I pose everything on the same chair, have you noticed?  I like that chair.  It’s the one I use at the table.

This pattern was a super quick knit.  I love the swirling effect from the decreases, and the ability to embellish the hat with whatever is fun.  I tried out a number of different options before deciding on this button from my gram’s button jar.  This hat is going to a sweet tween, and I thought the button would be suitable—fun, but not too much.  If you want to see some of the far more creative embellishments, visit the Flickr pool for the Meathead-along.

Thanks to everyone for their good wishes on my engagement.  Neal and I are as happy as can be, already planning our party.  While we haven’t yet set a date, I think we’ll have one by the end of the week.

I want to thank you all for your book suggestions, too.  I’m still not certain what to teach my 102 students, but contenders right now are Jane Eyre, A Star Called Henry (Roddy Doyle), and Frankenstein.  I have a lot of kids of Irish descent, so I may go with the Roddy Doyle book.  Many people suggested that I teach something by Jane Austen, and while I adore her, she is not typically popular among male students.  Oddly enough (or maybe not so oddly), Jane Eyre is quite popular with the males.  Next decisions:  what poems to teach?  What play to teach?  (well, that I KNOW will be Shakespeare.  My MA thesis was written about Antony and Cleopatra.  I lurv Shakespeare.  If he were alive now, I’d want his love child.  I’d even stalk him until he accommodated me.  I’m not even kidding.) 

8 thoughts on “Meathead, Meathead”

  1. Congrats on the engagement, girl! That is super awesome 😉
    and the Meathead is cool too. I missed the signups for this one – I love seeing what everyone thinks up for the embellishment. So cute!

  2. I listened to Jane Eyre on tape a few years ago but now I’m going to have to really read it. I just started The Eyre Affair today and I’m hooked. A little weird, my kind of book. But I am loosing some context since I don’t know Jane Eyre well.

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