This was an impulse purchase when I stopped in to the new antique store down the street. I had a couple of other things in my hand, was nearly checked out, when my childhood came rushing at me. I remember a red-white-and-blue pin of similar material from the celebrations of ’76. I’ll have to ask my mom whether that was her pin or Gram’s. Keep your fingers crossed that it remains in a bureau drawer at my mom’s house. I think I’ve found an item I would dearly love to collect. There were two more at the shop, and I may have to go back for them this week. This one will look smashing on my camel-hair winter coat.
These two hankies also came home with me. My auntie (after whom I’m named) was quite the traveler, and she would often bring me a hanky from exotic locations. I still have them, along with the strawberry-dotted one I bought at RSC when I saw Othello there. I know I’ll come up with a fabu sewing project for them–perhaps a quilt?
I couldn’t resist this little paint box. I dabble in watercolors, and this just called out to me. Would you like to see it opened?
Tomorrow: A package from Germany and Christmas Arrives at Tilly’s Mew.
What fabulous finds!