Is This a Job for St. Anthony?

I left the house this morning full of expectation to see my holiday decorations for the first time in years.  See, when my ex and I moved from our spacious rental into our 650 square foot co-op of our very own, we stored a whole lot of stuff at his parents’ place, in the barn that is now a music studio.  Our first Christmas at the co-op, I thought we brought all of the Christmas things home and stored them in the co-op building’s storage area.  After our separation I spent Christmas in Florida with my parents, and then moved to New Mexico the summer after.  I haven’t seen these lovelies since 2002, and in the chaos of my drive across country, I left everything in storage. 

Luckily, one of my best friends knows the super at the building, and last week she arranged for him to bring my things to her at work.  Since I knew that several of the ornaments were from my ex’s childhood and quite special to him, I asked him if he’d like to sort through them before Cheryl brought them to me, and he did.  I had plans to meet my former co-workers for a celebratory lunch, so I arranged with my ex to stop by the studio and pick up my things.  When I did, light of heart, and eager for the sight of all those mercury glass bulbs, I learned that the box with those very special ornaments–ornaments that my mom remembers from her childhood–were not among the little boxes.  We sorted through everything of mine/ours that we could find in the studio storage area to no avail.  Unless they are at my parents’ house, which I doubt very much, they have disappeared.

I’m still too sad to even beg St. Anthony for help, though as a former Roman Catholic, it’s the inevitable next step.  I know in the scheme of life, this is nothing to be sad about.  These are just things, and I generally don’t worry about the loss of things all that much.  But these ornaments are just so special to me, and I feel as though I will have let down my family if I have truly lost them.

If you wondered, the Hudson River is as beautiful as I remember, and lunch was fabu.      

8 thoughts on “Is This a Job for St. Anthony?”

  1. I hope they aren’t lost. Yes, they are only things, but they are family heirlooms, and those are the sort of things that we like to hold onto. I’m a former Catholic, but maybe our combined prayers and candles to St. Anthony will help?

  2. I hope they turn up too. They aren’t just things, traditions are important. I’m praying to whomever lapsed Protestants pray to, to find things.

  3. I’m not acquainted with St. Anthony, but I’ll sure join you in the prayers. That’s a little heartbreak you and your mom could do without! Good luck.

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