Merry Christmas

For the first time in 25 years, my entire family (I’m the youngest of five) will be together on Christmas Day.  The far-flung siblings and their kids are trickling in.  My oldest sister arrived Thursday night, and my brother from TN gets in today.  I’m so full of anticipation to see the 18 of us at one table.  It’s a rare event, and I plan to savor every moment of it.

I hope your holiday weekend is full of joyful moments. 

Merry Christmas!


9 thoughts on “Merry Christmas”

  1. That sounds wonderful. I’m the last of 4 kids and if we were all to come together it would be heaven. Luckily, my parents are here in Germany spending Christmas with us so it will be fun.
    Have a Merry Christmas with your family!

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