Ahh, hand me a bottle of water and that towel, will you? I just finished with the treadmill after a short hiatus, and it feels good to get back on. Ok, it’s the writing treadmill. My goal in the next two weeks is to get 80 pages of my dissertation written, which works out to roughly 5 pages a day. I was a real slacker during the fall semester. Sure, I worked the treadmill more than I had ever before, but I avoided the crux of what I need to accomplish. This means an extra semester before I’m done with school, but the one day during vacation, after I finished grading, when I looked about and realized with glee that I had nothing that had to get done? That’s inspired me to finish up the dang degree asap. I have a few other projects in mind for the next few weeks, so my days will be full. Yesterday’s project: sew buttons on Neal’s shirts. There has been a pile of shirts hanging around on a chair in our bedroom, one button short of wearable…now they’re happily completed and in the laundry.
Can I confess? I love being a hausfrau, which is what I call myself when I have breaks from school. I love having the few hours of writing in the morning, then housekeeping for a few hours, then walking the dogs, then relaxing in the evening. I need a lot of mental stimulation to be a happy hausfrau, but I’ve got it in the books I read, the stories I write, the communities I’ve joined.
My hausfrau task for today coincides with my resolution. I’m going to use Gina’s spreadsheet that she so generously shared with me and document all of my yarn. I’ll have a clear picture by the end of the day of just what I have to use for the next nine months. It’s kind of thrilling, but I’m an organizing geek.
For those interested in organizing, I’ve got the nascent Organized Elf blog up. There is lots more work to be done, and I’m trying to figure things out on my own, but I may come begging for help…I’m not that comfortable with WordPress, but it would cost me about $60 to upgrade my Typepad account in order to allow others to post. I may end up at Blogspot as I can add as many people as are interested and am more familiar with using it. But go on over and have a gander and join if you’re so inclined.
I’m off to whistle while I work and have a happy hausfrau day.
I love the new blog! It’s so cute!
Have you ever seen Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day? If not, you might find some of the tips in there helpful for getting the $%$^# thing done!
I did make good use of those spreadsheets on Dec 30th. I am still cross-referencing to see how to use the yarn I have to it’s fullest. I am also knitting from my stash — for at least the first 6 months of the year.