Granny Envy

I can’t stand seeing all of the Granny Squares around blogland without succumbing.  So many pretty colors, such a portable project.  The last time I made any, I made one-color squares for a baby blanket, back in 2004.  I’m thinking they may be a good use for the basket of cotton that I have–lots of pretty colors in that basket. 

While watching the final episode of Sex and the City, I cast on for Bejeweled in Fiesta La Luz in Cabernet.  I have to turn the heel on Neal’s sock, which requires concentration, and I needed to knit.  Simply needed to knit.  Until I have an hour or so to do that short row heel, this will be my pick up project.  Scout is working on my shawl yarn, and once that arrives, I will have to be totally monogamous to the Print o’the Wave stole if I’m going to finish it before mid-May.  Let me tell you, though, that Bejeweled is a great pattern, easy to memorize, and La Luz is a dream to work with.

I’m off to glaze the pathetic little bowls I made at my pottery class.  Loved working with clay, but I just can’t commit to more studio time, which is what I need if I’m going to be any good at it.  Some day.  Some day.

After I play with clay for a while, I’ve got to finish grading papers and prep for the continuing education class I’m teaching.  Then, later tonight, I need to prep for tomorrow…it’s my observation day.  Wish me luck!

7 thoughts on “Granny Envy”

  1. How many skeins of La Luz does Bejeweled need? I’ve got some in the stash that I’ve been trying to figure out how to use. It was a gift, and I’m seriously intimidated by the yarn (too pretty, too special).
    Good luck with your observation day!

  2. Luck!
    You get to know when your observation days are? We didn’t schedule them, an administrator or department head just showed up. Sheesh.

  3. Enjoy your class, I have always thought that glazing was the hard part. Throwing just takes practice, glazing you have to think about every time. Probably that’s why I have such a short list in my production line.

  4. I hope your observation day went well today.
    I know how you feel about those granny squares. I am too resisting, luckily I’m a pretty bad crocheter, so I just stick to my knitting.
    Too bad we don’t have unlimited time for all of our crafty impulses!

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