Interlude at the Beach

Img_1282Not much in life is better than time at the beach. 

We had a fun little get away at the Inn by the Sea.  The place is newly renovated, and there were photo shoots going on for new brochures or web pages.  They didn’t ask me or Neal to model, which shocked us to no end, but I suppose we’re not the perfectly tan, L.L. Bean-wearing blonde types that they’d already lined up for the gig.

The views were pretty great, especially at night on Crescent Beach, when the moon was full.  But I didn’t get any pictures of that. Img_1292

  We were sad to bid adieu to the  Maine coast, but  we’ll be back, no doubt!

3 thoughts on “Interlude at the Beach”

  1. I’m so glad you had a lovely trip. They may have been too intimidated by your beauty and outstanding personal style to approach you about modeling for them. Silly mortals.

  2. It looks wonderful! And as one who has cast models for ph to shoots before, I can tell you that it’s not just the look that’s important, it’s the comfort level in front of the camera. Big time. No matter how blond (or not) you are! 😉

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