(click for bigness). Well. There was chocolate, too, but that disappeared. What remains from one of my favorite Ravelry groups is an adorable German tote bag, a notions case, bibs and bobs for pincushion making, and one of the coolest "to go" pincushions I’ve seen. I love that I can take this to SnB those nights when I want to embroider. Thanks (1,000,000), Hollie!
Ibby Bee created a second swap (remember the fabu coasters from Junie Moon?), this time for bookmarks
and a thrifted book. I’m so excited about the package that Sarah sent me (thank you so much, Sarah!). There were three fabulous bookmarks made out of ribbon and fabric held by some adorable embroidery, Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye (a great read!), O Pioneers! (haven’t read since high school but excited to revisit), some crafty booklets, a Holly Hobby pattern (I know a little girl who would adore her!), and beautiful earrings (not pictured because I’m wearing them!). Sarah is opening an etsy shop, so be sure to swing by. My favorite thing about these bookmarks? They’re perfect for the book I’ve dipped into over and over since it came in the mail last week. I’m smitten, people. Smitten.
I love the Djinn book — anything that Byatt writes is wonderful. What a nice package – enjoy!