Green Beer

I'm usually more of a Guinness girl, but I couldn't resist a little something different.

The Clapotis and I had a little bit of a spat.  Okay, I got frustrated by knotty yarn and knowing that I could not finish for Rhinebeck unless I gave up, oh, everything else I do day to day.  Last weekend I cast on for Dandy using the Green Beer I purchased from Beth at Sugar Spun Yarns.  The color had the girls at SnB cooing, and the yarn's springiness has made knitting a pure pleasure.  Beth has more of her fabu handspun for sale–she's assured me that the Honey Mustard is from a similar batt and spun just like the Green Beer.  I just nabbed a little Candy Corn from her because I discovered over the summer that orange is my new pink. 

This weekend I'll be back in the grading frenzy.  I have a really nice group of students this year, even if the first paper I read had me shouting to Neal lines that were so fraught with meaninglessness that I had to stop for a few sips of Green Beer to relieve the pressure that threatened to make my brain drain from my ears.

Also?  I'm a little worried about the situation with NASA crashing into the moon.  I mean, I know they are smart people and all, but I can't help feeling alarmed, like this is going to set off the plot of a bad Sci-Fi novel.

Finally, I'll leave off by saying that I'm thrilled about President Obama winning the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.  The haters may get off on saying that he hasn't done "anything" yet, but I think a reading of the committee's statement makes it clear that the President was an excellent, timely choice for the prize.

Enjoy the weekend!  I'm looking forward to plowing through my grading and taking those Green Beer breaks regularly!

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