Tongue Tied 6/28

This is the tail end of a roughly eight-minute speed painting performance by my very talented (if I do say so myself) nephew.  Neal and I had a blast at his high school's talent show, and he was one of the biggest hits there.  This kid leaves me tongue tied.

Okay, contestants, tell me what awesome thing is a kid in your life doing that amazes you?

5 thoughts on “Tongue Tied 6/28”

  1. Waaaahh…. I wanted more than 4 seconds!!! Kid in my life – discovering the world. That’s awesome enough for me. 🙂

  2. I bet that was amazing! I’m constantly amazed by our son’s athleticism…amazing eye/hand coordination. When he makes a double play in baseball, I’m wowed every time. Our daughter amazes me with her sense of style and design…she’s dictated a few sweaters for me to knit and she’s always right on target with what looks right.

  3. It would have been amazing to see more of your nephew! I am constantly amazed by my son’s ability to do amazingly cool origami stuff, from memory. Also, he is a whiz with nunchuckas and the bo-staff. He is planning on performing a bo-staff routine at his elementary school talent show in the spring. :^)

  4. That was such a tease! I wanna see more!
    Kids in my life? Do fake nephews count? Because their bravery and strength never fails to amaze me.

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