Lust 20/28

It's one of the seven deadly sins.  I commit it all the time. I confess to craving pleasures of the body day in and day out, and I confess to satisfying those cravings.

I just did. It felt so good.  The foreplay lasted weeks.  I stalked and fantasized. I plotted.  

Should I take the blame, though, when it has come down to me through my maternal genes from several generations?  If I'm acting on my nature, is it a sin?

Could these little beauties ever be a sin anyway?  

Thanks to a tip from a Fluevog Ravelry group (Ravlink), I was able to make them mine, all mine, for nearly half price.  That's no sin.

What do you refuse to think of as a sin?

7 thoughts on “Lust 20/28”

  1. Never heard of them, but they are beautiful! I recently succumbed to a red pair of Sofft’s. Absolutely no place to wear them and no reason to have purchased them, but, oh, how red shoes can call my name!

  2. Damn. You. How did you make them yours for half the price?!?!?! I love you. I do. But, right at this moment? I kinda hate you.

  3. I stay away from Fleuvog’s site. I want them all. These I’ve been dreamy of recently.
    It isn’t a sin – but I have to keep it in check as well. I lived in Seattle and John’s shop was a 40 minute walk from my apartment. I was into goth and got my very first pair (after saving up for the summer). I wore them until they fell apart. I now own none for fear that I would wear them with everything. Summer, winter, fall. To work to play. ALWAYS. Just love them.
    I’m currently super lusting after a book case/desk. Now is that bad?

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