Olympic Burnout 21/28

What a conundrum! Winter Olympics come but every four years. I want to savor every snowy, icy moment, but I’m experiencing a little sports burnout. I need a different kind of narrative tonight.

Anything have you feeling burned out?

Olympic Burnout 21/28

6 thoughts on “Olympic Burnout 21/28”

  1. Blogging. 😉 And certain people. And cold. And barking. I could keep going. I think I need some time alone in a warm place with with little umbrella drinks…

  2. When I was coming home from the Banff Centre, I sat next to an obstetrician returning for a conference (we split a cab to the bus station). He was reading the same book – he highly recommended it.
    I figured it must be good if somebody with odd hours and long shifts could sink his teeth into a big, thick book like that one and still have time to study the genealogy charts. 🙂

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