Ten on Tuesday

Today's topic is Ten Things You Like about Where You Live:

1.  Neal lives here.

2.  My parents live only 20 minutes away.  I moved over two hours away from home when I was 21, and in my mid-30s, I moved across the country.  It's nice to be a quick drive from my folks.

3. The dogs have a big enough back yard for their crazy races.

4.  Autumn.  No other part of the country does autumn up the way the Northeast does.

5.  I have a room of my own.  Living by myself, I had several rooms of my own, but one is all I need.

6.  New York is nearby.

7.  I can get to the beach in under two hours.

8.  Shade tobacco.  I don't smoke cigars, mind you, but the netted shade tobacco fields mean home to me.

9.  I can hike, cross-country ski, bike, or run right from my door.  We have a large nature preserve across the street and a well-maintained bike path about a mile from the house.  I can't imagine having to drive to go cross-country skiing!  We're pretty competitive about being the first ones in when there is fresh snow.  I don't think anyone in the neighborhood is aware of this competition, but it exists.

10.  Two of my best girlhood friends live nearby.  I'm fortunate to be able to pop over for iced tea and knitting with women who have known me for decades.

What do you like about where you live? 

7 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday”

  1. Ahem…I have lived in the northeast and am proud to report that the midwest, especially Minnesota, also does a kickass job with fall colors. 🙂

  2. When I was making my list I asked R to help and the first thing he said was, “well, *I* live here…?” hehe
    Great list! I wish we had a bike trail closer to home (and that the closest one wasn’t in a tourist town *ahem*)

  3. I am jealous of your bike path! Even though I live in the suburbs, it’s hard to bike near my house due to the main roads and traffic.

  4. I think this would be a very good exercise for me since I am not always thrilled with where I live right now! I especially wish that your #2 was true for me.
    Thanks for helping me think more positively!

  5. Great list. It’s hard to bike in my area because it’s very hilly but many people do so I hope that as I get fitter I’ll be able to do it too.

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