
 What clients have to say:

“Ever get started on a project with high energy only to find yourself a few weeks later trudging through every word?  Whenever I find myself stuck, I ask Beverly to read my work.  She guides my writing through the use of thoughtful questions and insightful suggestions.  Not only does she assist me with surface revisions, she also helps me re-think structure, character development, and plot dilemmas.  Plus, she provides plenty of support without being light on criticism.  Beverly is truly a creative writer’s best friend.”

Dana Salvador, Creative Writer, Albuquerque, New Mexico

“Beverly and I worked together on a series of short stories I was putting together as a collection. She spent a lot of time and effort on each one, providing me with thoughtful advice and constructive criticism. She was wonderful to work with – supportive without fawning, matter of fact, and agreeable. It’s a rare thing – to find somebody who is willing to provide good feedback, even if it’s that something doesn’t work or needs to be rewritten. I was glad for it…and I’ll gladly work with Beverly again!”

Heather Clitheroe, Creative Writer

“Beverly’s writing workshop gave me the opportunity to explore fiction writing in a supportive atmosphere.  I felt very comfortable sharing works in progress and incorporating the constructive feedback from Beverly and the rest of the participants. I looked forward to hearing the progress of other participants as much as I enjoyed seeing my own work develop and grow.  I would recommend this to anyone who has wanted to take risks and grow in their writing.”

Sarah E. Thayer, LMT, CD(DONA), Connecticut

“Working with Beverly on my organization’s annual newsletter was easy and empowering. She listened to my needs and what I thought my audience would want to hear. She offered constructive feedback and ideas, then wrote just the product we needed. Her editing was meticulous, which saved me from what could have been embarrassing mistakes. We were a great team, and I am grateful for the experience.”

–Annah Perch, Executive Director, Stepping Stones Foundation, Katonah, New York

“Beverly Army Williams is one of my greatest mentors.  She has been, and continues to be, the principal influence on the written aspect of the works of visual art I am driven to make.  Not only has she tutored me with what I will define as the mechanics of writing, she has helped me to free my writing from the whipping post and its biggest bully–the author.”

Linda Jean Fisher, Visual Artist, Peekskill, New York

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