What Home Looks Like

Tobacco field2
 I grew up in the Tobacco Valley of Connecticut.  Even though I left at 21 and only returned to live here lo those many years later, the sight that made me feel like I was back home was and remains that of the shade tobacco fields.

It was only when I took a creative writing class in 2002 (it was a testing-the-waters class for me) and had to set a story in a place from childhood that I realized what the plants pushing against the nets meant to me.   Anyway, I wrote a micro-fiction piece set in the tobacco fields.  That short short story was the seed of the novel I am revising (for the fifth time…I have high hopes for this draft!).  

Today, when thinking about the theme of green, it only seemed appropriate to me to snap a drive-by shot with my phone of the plant that looks like home.

7 thoughts on “What Home Looks Like”

  1. 🙂 home is what you feel when you close your eyes and smile. I see summer too. Wet grass and damp earth between my toes.
    good wishes for this draft!

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