Darkness is descending earlier, which makes me think about returning to school, which in turn makes me think about my students who don't have much in mind in terms of career goals. I'll bet a lot of them feel like Lloyd. Other than the part about kick boxing, I'm on board with Lloyd.
What did you want to do (or "be") as a grown up when you were a kid? Me, I wanted to be a nun, or maybe a marine biologist. Most of all, though, I wanted to be a writer.
Wow. I wanted to be a nun or a marine biologist, too. And mostly a writer. But second most? Flight attendant. 🙂
I wanted to be an archaeologist, an Egyptologist, and then a pediatric surgeon. I was completely ignoring the fact that I’m horrid at math and that chemistry gave me nightmares.
I love being a librarian, but I finally had an epiphany and realized I had some talent for writing, but it’s still taken me till my mid-30s to start writing again.
I wanted to be an astronaut or an archaeologist or a teacher. I of course … am none of these things.
I wanted to be a marine biologist (u of miami), a forest ranger or an artist. I was told I could only go to school an hour away and that all my choices were inappropriate. I should be a nurse like my mom. Being the good girl that I always am, I did exactly what I was told.
I have let my kids study whatever they wanted in school so far. I can’t wait to see what they become! BTW, my mom thinks I’m crazy!
I still want to be a marine biologist when I grow up. I’m not convinced I’m really a grown up yet! Or an archaeologist, teacher, dolphin trainer, shark biologist, paleontologist. Looks like I could get some good vacations out of these career options that aren’t going to happen!