Ten on Tuesday: 2015 Review Edition

in knittingToday Carole invited me to reflect on Ten Things I did in 2015 That Made Me Feel Proud:

  1. Launched MotherShould? with my friend and colleague Catherine. I’m proud of the writing I’ve done for the site and of the content we’re getting from other writers.
  2. Revised my novel and worked with generous, smart Cari Luna to determine what to do next with it.
  3. Sent out my first agent queries. While I have no problem creating, I often fail at finding homes for my work.
  4. Took excellent care of my dogs. Losing Tilly in April was rough, but I feel proud of the care she received, right until the end. And I continue to feel proud of the almost-daily hikes I take with Oskar and Coco.
  5. Celebrated my tenth blogging anniversary–extra credit to you if you remember when I blogged at Wearing Black in New Mexico. I feel proud that I’ve kept blogging for a decade, and I’m so grateful for the friends I’ve made through blogging.
  6. Got serious about sewing garments. I took two pattern drafting classes with my dear Cal (who is an amazing teacher, in person AND online!), and I made several garments. I feel proud of this new dimension to my Ethical Elegance project.
  7. Started a daily yoga and meditation practice. Okay, so this is a brand new thing that I feel proud about. And it all started because Allegra posted a picture of a mala she made. I asked her to make one for me to help me with challenges I face, and she sent me a beautiful mala, which has lit the fire for this practice in me.
  8. Developed my calligraphy skills. I have a lot to learn still, but I made a good start taking a Copperplate and an Uncial class this year. I have a multi-media poetry project in the works, and lettering is a key part of it. selfie
  9. Purged excess craft supplies. Oh, don’t you worry about my being snowed in without a new knitting project possible. This year’s birthday gift from Neal was a transformation of my office to a studio. I wanted a space not dedicated to work, but dedicated to creative play. That meant clearing out a lot of unused yarn and fabric and donating a ton (that might be literal) of books. It feels amazing to pare down my supplies and really know what I have.
  10. Maintained a daily creativity habit through my #2015 Postcard Project. I have loved making and sending the postcards all around the world, and I’ve learned a lot about techniques and media I enjoy using. Stay tuned for an entire post about all that!

Your turn. What did you do in 2015 that makes you feel proud?

11 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: 2015 Review Edition”

  1. Wow, fantastic list of very good things to be proud of! I started yoga this year also, and I cannot believe how good it makes me feel! It will definitely be something I carry forward with me into 2016!

    Your creativity is inspiring! Happy New Year!

  2. Holy mackerel, that is one crafty and creative list! I consider myself very lucky to have received a postcard just last week, and am quite grateful to be the recipient of some of your creativity. Wishing you more blogging, creativity, and connections in 2016!

  3. well done lady! those are wonderful achievements. i like this idea, and may answer your question in a post of my own! i tend to always be focused on the things i HAVEN’T done, so it’d be nice to reflect on my accomplishments.

  4. You have been an inspiration with the direction of your crafting and creativity. Your Postcard Project alone was amazing. I’ll be looking forward to your 2016.

  5. An excellent list! It’s been a wonderful year following your creative and thoughtful endeavours, I’ve been inspired more times than I can count. My life(and wardrobe) are enriched by your friendship. So happy we’ve hung out a little more this year and I look forward to more lunches and adventures and teaching together.

  6. Inspiring!! I’m looking forward to reading your post about the postcard project… and am so happy to have been a recipient! Bring on 2016! 😉

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