
I thought I'd take a self-portrait every day during Project 333 to keep me honest about not wearing anything that's not on my list.  Nothing like a little public accounting!  After a long day of classes and meetings, I took advantage of the lovely late-summer light to learn how to use the remote control for my camera.  Tilly was quite intrigued, milling about me as I posed.

I made an attempt at Project 365 over a year ago, but it didn't take.  Maybe 333 will inspire me to get to 365.

Keeping it random, I started using 750 Words at the beginning of the month.  If you're familiar with The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, you'll know the concept of morning pages: write three pages, long hand, every day, right after waking up.  They make a great brain dump, and over the years I've used them to work out plot problems as well as marital problems.  They changed my life the first time I did them for a long period of time. Even if (or maybe even more so if) you don't see yourself as a writer, they are a useful tool.  During the school year, I'm just not willing to wake up any earlier to get them in first thing.  With 750 Words, I type my words (not exactly what Cameron would support, but still…) at all different times of day.  Not the same as morning pages, but there is value.  I'm working out plot problems even now!

The creator of 750 Words has launched a new website that intrigues me: Health Month.  The premise is that you use it to set goals for the month that will help you to be healthier.  The goals can relate to mental health, spiritual health, physical health.  Whatever you want.  You get placed into a bracket, track your progress for the month, and see what happens!  I'm adding this to my challenges in October.  

What have you been doing to challenge yourself lately?  I hope it's fun and rewarding, whatever it is!

5 thoughts on “Challenge”

  1. Very cute photo, and I totally dig the fishnets! (Not to mention the shoes!)
    I am writing up a pattern for my LYS, and the actual writing of a pattern is always a challenge. How do you concisely convey all that you need to as a designer in order for the end user to make the object you did? Sigh. I have never agonized over word choice like I do with knitting patterns!

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