Craft Friday: Project Ideas

IMG_5115I figure there are two approaches when crafting holiday gifts:

1. Consider each recipient with care, study shelves of books, search Ravelry, linger around Pinterest, and make a list of dozens of possibilities for each person.

2. Decide what you want to make and make a version for each recipient. Hats are good for that. Mittens. Socks. Scarves. Good, pragmatic gifts that everyone can use.

I won’t judge your method. I will try to appeal to both approaches in this project idea link list:

1.ย Fringe Association’s Mitt Listย and Cowl List

2. Accessories board put together by Clementine (world’s loveliest fabric shop & haberdashery–they ship! Just give those sweet ladies a call!)

3. Sew Mama Sew’s Handmade Holidays posts

4. Ravelry’s Indie Design Gift-a-longย gets you 25% off loads of patterns

5. Romi’s Great Oddment Knitdown

6. Ysolda’s Knitworthy

7. Creativebug brims with projects and excellent instructions.

8. Through the Loops hats (or anything Kirsten designs!)

9. HodgePodge Farms’s Wingfeathers crochet shawl.

10. The Craft Friday Pinterest board (ask to join it and pin along with me!)

Get ready for Craft Friday and share your favorite places for inspiration.

5 thoughts on “Craft Friday: Project Ideas”

  1. fun! i’m in ๐Ÿ™‚ i often spend black friday doing this anyway – so why not join in with other people who think the same way ๐Ÿ™‚

    would you add me as a contributor to the pinterest board? i’m knitnkitchen. thanks!

  2. You’ll laugh, but aside from the hats I make my two sons, I stopped knitting Christmas presents after I burned myself out two years ago and couldn’t touch the needles for months. Now I make things as I see them, or think of the recipient and I make them UN-Christmas presents to give at any time of year. It takes the pressure off. ๐Ÿ™‚

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