Ten on Tuesday: Recently Read Edition

I can’t wait to see what every one else responding to Carole’s request for Last Ten Books Read lists. I’m building up my summer break reading list!

Here are my last ten books read (I’m not including work-related books):

1. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell.ย This is sweet without being saccharine. As a graduate ca. 1987, the cultural references made the book nostalgic for me, too. I would have worn this out when I was in middle school.

2. Noah’s Compass by Anne Tyler. Well, I’m listening, and I’m not quite finished. It, not surprisingly, reminds me a LOT of her The Accidental Tourist, only with older characters. I’m not wowed by it, but the story telling is solid, and I’m interested in what happens to the characters.

3. Beautiful Wreck by the beautiful Larissa Brown. Read my review on Goodreads here. And read this book. I love it.

4. Song of the Lark by Willa Cather. I confess to being a HUGE fan of Cather’s. Shoot, I planned a trip around seeing her house (do you like going to writers’ homes? My number one favorite touristy thing to do!) This book made me weep. I mean, the last page had me sobbing. There were sentences that made my heart beat faster.

5. How Animals Grieve by Barbara King. I’m not usually a big non-fiction fan, but this was one of the best books I read in 2013. I gave it to several people after finishing it. Fascinating subject, and an excellent model of research engaging the reader. My Goodreads review.

6. Dog Shaming by Pascale Lemire. It’s cute if you like funny pictures of dogs.

7. The Silver Star by Jeannette Walls. I enjoyed this, but I found it predictable at times. Still, the writing is enjoyable, and the characters about which we care the most are portrayed effectively.

8. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. It’s a good reminder to just get your damn work done.

9. Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini. I listened to this while I commuted and hiked my dogs. The writing left me cold, and I’m no history buff (at least of this period), so my indifference may be that I’m not the audience for the book.

10. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. I’m cheating. I read this last summer. But I loved it so much, and I want you to read it, too!

What have you been reading?

10 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: Recently Read Edition”

  1. I love both Ocean at the End of the Lane & Beautiful Wreck.

    I want to add Death Sworn by Leah Cypess, ok, the author is becoming a friend, but that’s mostly happened after I read this book and I’m looking forward to the second one (it’s a duology, I believe). It’s YA, but I’m looking forward to learning how the main character deals with all that’s on her plate!

    Also: The Yarn Whisperer: My Unexpected Life in Knitting by Clara Parkes and The Secret Life of Sleep by Kat Duff. Duff’s book isn’t perfect or as completely comprehensive as I like my non-fiction, but she definitely gave me some good things to think on about sleep (or lack thereof).

  2. Yours is the second list I’ve seen with The Beautiful Wreck, so it’s now on my to-read list. I also loved The Ocean at the End of the Lane and think everyone should read it, or listen to it. Neil Gaiman’s voice (and writing) is incredible!

    1. Bonny, I LOVE hearing Gaiman read his work. I am pacing myself with him…I want to always have some Gaiman left to read!

  3. Finally settling down to read Wally Lambs newest, We Are Water. Really enjoying so far. Just finished Gone Girl and The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I will look into Beautiful Wreck. Finally got my new library card!

  4. another blogger suggested beautiful wreck and already has me intrigued. not yet on audible though ๐Ÿ˜›
    hope it comes soon ๐Ÿ˜€
    you make me want to read song of the lark as well as eleanor and park. thanks for sharing your list

  5. great list (as expected!) and yikes, I’ve never read anything by Willa Cather, but I think I should! Where would you suggest I start?

  6. Thanks for the referral of How Animals Grieve. I think it’s a really underapreciated subject and having observed it in my pets, I’d like to read the book.

  7. Fabulous list! I’ve read a few of your suggestions already . . . but will be adding others to my “to read” pile! thanks!

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