Ten on Tuesday: Summer Treats Edition


This week, Carole invited us to share Ten Favorite Summertime Treats.

1. Watermelon. Last summer I shared some of my favorite ways to eat it on Your Lovely Life.

2. Ice cream. Sorbet. Frozen yogurt. I love it all.

3. Just picked veggies. I wait all year for the couldn’t-be-fresher taste.

4. Swimming pools. Ah, what a treat to float around in the heat. Just roll off the raft–and you’re cool again.

5. Outdoor shows. Shakespeare, concerts, movies…any entertainment that allows me to pack a picnic and stretch out on a blanket is a treat.

6. Beach trips. The sand between my toes! The salt air in my nose! The ocean water cradling me like a dangerous baby sitter!

7. Tomatoes. Oh, tomatoes! I refused to eat tomatoes until I was in my late 20s. My dad would pick them off the plant in his robust garden, bite into them like apples and say “you don’t know what you’re missing!” He was correct. I’m trying to make up for all those tomato-free years. Dinner at least twice a week is sliced tomatoes on a good bread (too hot to bake, but Collinsville Bakery makes excellent bread) with a sliver of mozzarella. So delicious.

8. Gin & Tonic. I’m late to the g&t party, but I’ll be staying all night! Is there a more refreshing cocktail? I haven’t found it.

9. Sweaty bike rides. Biking is always a treat in my book, and I love it extra hard when it’s hot out. Working up the big sweat makes all the other treats even more delightful.

10. Rainy days. As long as there aren’t too many of them, a rainy day after a week-long heat wave (yes, I’m looking out the window at the post-heat wave rainy day) is a real treat. I’ll be spending the day writing and sewing and listening to the rain’s gentle fall.

What are your favorite summer treats?

Don’t forget: if you’d like to join the Writers #Roadtrip fun,  click here to subscribe to the #roadtrip prompts…and I hope you’ll take a look at my new e-course You Have Time.  

8 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: Summer Treats Edition”

  1. Watermelon! We keep it cold in a mountain stream until we’re ready to crack it open. So refreshing! We’re still waiting for the burst of flavor from our homegrown tomatoes. Soon, soon, I hope.

  2. I love summer tomatoes – and I have long been a lover of G&T’s – I think it is in my blood as my parents love them as well. Oh and sand and salt air – right with you on that as well. We would get along just fine!

  3. An occasional rainy day – even when on vacation at the Cape – can be quite pleasant. It’s nice to stay indoors and knit and read and listen to the rain. Only occasionally, though!

  4. There’s nothing like sweet juicy watermelon! I am enjoying the rain today myself. Anything to keep it cool around here is fine by me.

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