Thankful Thursday

After reading about this on Carole's blog, I realized it would be good for my soul to share my thankfulness.


  • I'm thankful for a peaceful mind.  I've had monkey mind a lot this fall, and yesterday I stayed home sick with a headache.  I spent the time thinking, writing, and creating, and I sent that monkey packing.
  • I'm thankful for my job.  I'm fortunate to do something I enjoy.  I get worked up about grading papers, but that comes from wanting to make a difference to my students' writing and worrying that my feedback won't be adequate.  I work with 18-22 year olds who make me laugh, give me hope, frustrate me at times, but ultimately make the job a blast. Every day is different at my job, which suits my easily-bored mind perfectly.
  • I'm thankful for November.  Today it is chilly and rainy.  I enjoy the sunshine and warmth of summer, but the hunker-down weather is vital to recharge, too.

How about you?  Right now, as you read this, what is making your heart sing with gratitude?

4 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday”

  1. I’m so glad you decided to participate in Thankful Thursdays! I’m grateful for YOU and I love knowing that you are a stone’s throw away from Hannah if she needs help.

  2. Thankful for finding this blog (love your writing) and the best bed in the world from which to set up camp for a whole day without commitments!

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