This week’s topic is Ten Things to do at the Beach. Guess we all know where Carole has been! I can’t get enough of the beach, and it has been far too long since I spent an entire week on the shore. Still, I’ve squeaked out a few days with sand between my toes this summer. What do I like to do while there?
1. Swim. At my favorite beach, the water was perfect for floating, treading, paddling about during both my visits. I could stay in all day.
2. Read. I don’t limit myself to “light” books on the beach. I can handle anything as long as I’ve got the crash of waves in the background.
3. Gab. Even though I brought How to Write a Sentence to the beach with me, I was too busy chatting to do much reading.
4. Nap. Falling asleep to beach sounds is divine.
5. Knit. You didn’t think I’d leave that off, did you? Ziplock bags are a beach knitter’s friend.
6. Crochet. Even easier on the beach than knitting.
7. Snack. My faves are pretzels and celery sticks. Gazpacho tastes better on the beach, too.
8. Breathe deeply. The salt air. The lotions. The water. It all smells so good to me.
9. Walk. Couldn’t you just go for hours, walking along the shoreline?
10. Relax. The beach is my true happy place. The moment I’m there, all my worries fade.
What are your favorite things to do at the beach?
Also…thanks for the good wishes on my seventh blogiversary, and I’ve added to the destash page if you want to take a look!
A wonderful beach-y list.
Oh,I couldn’t agree more! The beach is the best happy place I know. Everything about it is soothing and restful. (Even in the winter, although I don’t tend to stay so long.)
I would have never thought of Gazpacho as a beach-type treat! I’ll have to try that the next time we have a hot day 🙂
all these lists are making me ever sadder about no beach this year! you’re so right about the smells… I brought home a scented lotion last summer that brings back all the best of the beach – I’ve really enjoyed it this summer!