Carole’s topic for today is Ten Great Things About Farmer’s Markets. Each year it seems there is another town nearby with a market. Pretty soon I might be able to buy the day’s produce at a different market all week long.
1. Fresh produce. Duh!
2. Proximity. I can ride my bike to at least two markets now. It’s a little precious of me, but I adore riding my Kona Africa bike with a bundle of flowers in her basket. C’mon, you would feel happy doing the same, too. Admit it.
3. Bread. I’ve cut back my bread intake to help lose weight for my 100-mile bike ride. When I see a boule from my favorite French bakery or an olive ciabatta from Collinsville bakery, well, I’m a bit helpless. Could I go to the bakeries for these treats? Of course. But it is nicer to pick them up at the Farmer’s Market.
4. Seeing people. I’ve been feeling a bit lonely now that Sara‘s back in France (collective aww, poor PoMo not necessary!!). I work from home and don’t make plans with my other friends often enough. I like when I bump into people I know at the Farmer’s Market. It’s a bright spot for me.
5. Music. I enjoy hearing the singer songwriters play as I wander about.
6. Tips from the farmers. Or the people helping the farmers. It’s great to pick up an unfamiliar veggie, ask what I should do with it, and get some culinary ideas.
7. Eating local. One of the best things about summer is the ease in eating local. Farmer’s Markets allow for even more variety than a visit to just one farm stand would.
8. Dogs. Unlike Albuquerque, where I first became a dog owner, my little corner of Connecticut is not the most dog-friendly. There aren’t many places to bring Coco and let her have a social experience, and that little mutt does love to get out and about. When I drive rather than bike to the market, as long as it isn’t too hot, I bring Coco along. Sometimes she acts aloof with her fan club, but I know she loves every moment. One of these days, I’ll train her to ride in my bike basket, and won’t that be precious!
9. Local crafts. Right now beaded jewelry is big at the market I attend most frequently. There’s a potter who makes beautiful objects, and I’ve seen some lovely local yarns.
10. Fresh air. I don’t know about you, but I dread the supermarket in the summer. I feel so much better buying my produce when I am out in the fresh air, when the produce is not freezing cold, but warm, as it is meant to be.
There’s really nothing to dislike about a farmer’s market! I’m pleased to see more and more popping up, and I look forward to exploring each one for the different vendors and “flavors” each has.
What do you like best about your local farmer’s market?
I love the sense of community. And it feels good to support the local people who are struggling to keep their farms/businesses going.
I love the sense of community. And it feels good to support the local people who are struggling to keep their farms/businesses going.
Fabulous list!
I will help you get Coco the basket, she would love to go for a ride!
I LOVE your bike!!!! 🙂
Wow , a great list!!!! have to agree with most of it. DOGS are not allowed at my favorite markets, but people cheat and carry pups around and I LOVE them.
our kiwanis club has a fresh popcorn machine that tempts me each and every week.
We have THE BEST CHeese stand at our market…….from wisconsin, and so wonderful . Lots of yummy goat cheeses