Ten on Tuesday: Summer Goals Edition

Hermes 3000

Carole invited us to post a list of summer goals for today’s Ten on Tuesday list. Some of mine harken back to my 2012 year-long list, and some are newer. I’m breaking down my list by categories.


1. Ride a century. I’ll spend the next few months building up mileage. I hope to achieve my goal some time in August.

2. Participate in Plank a Day each and every day. I’m at 52 seconds now, and I’d like to complete the Plank an Hour challenge before the end of summer.


3. Publish an e-book of crochet patterns. I have a few designs for others to get out, and once those are completed, my focus will be on the e-book.

4. Complete Book Proposal A. I’m holding the cards close until I make my pitch, but this is for a craft book that I feel compelled to write.

5. Complete Book Proposal B. This is for a text book. One of the fun things about teaching is this: if I can’t find the text and materials I want to use, I can just create them myself. I suspect that the materials I’ve been created might be useful to others, and I’m going to make a big push to share them.

6. Participate in Camp NaNoWriMo. I’m cheating on the NaNo rule to work on a new piece during the month. Yet again, I’m writing, from scratch, a new draft of my dissertation novel. I am determined to make this the sh*t or get off the pot draft. If I haven’t got the story this time, I give myself permission to move on to a new project. That doesn’t mean I can’t revise this draft, only that I want to get a full draft down that satisfies me in terms of character and plot.

Teaching Prep

7. Attend Digital Storytelling Workshop and create three digital case studies for my Bus/Tech Writing class. I received a grant to undertake this project, and I’m super excited about the potential to teach my students in a new way.

8. Craft an Election unit for Bus/Tech Writing. I have some vague ideas about this. It is important to me to get my students to vote. It has been effective the last two elections I’ve taught to get the students reading and analyzing speeches from both candidates, and I want to continue helping them to think for themselves about the value of their votes.

Open Road Writing

Open Road Writing logo

9. I’m re-imagining my consulting business with the help of Courtney Carver and The Goodblog Project. I plan to give my website an overhaul and emerge from the summer with a more precise focus for my business.

10. Launch my first online Creative Writing class and develop at least two more classes. Earlier this spring, I participated in Pam Slim’s Power Teacher course, and I developed Writers Write, and online version of a Creative Writing workshop I’ve taught in person several times. Registration for the class opens in mid-June, and I’m beyond thrilled to explore a new avenue for the work I love to do.

What are your goals for the summer?


8 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: Summer Goals Edition”

  1. Wow . . . you’ve got a lot of writing to do during the summer! Not a bad idea when you can just take it easy and sit down in the shade with a nice tall glass of your favorite beverage.

    My goals at my blog, of course . . .

  2. You’ve got some great career/writing goals going on there – good luck with all of that. Plank a day sounds great – I did my first plank ever on Saturday!

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