Craft Friday Draws Nigh!

craft-friday-collageReady for our annual rebellion against Black Friday? Once I accepted that summer is, in fact, over, (a few inches of sloppy snow like we had last week will drive that point home) my thoughts turned to plotting holiday gift projects. I’ve ordered a few gifts from indy makers, and I’m scouring Ravelry and Pinterest for diy gift ideas.  Gale introduced me to the idea of hygge, and now all I can think is that Craft Friday, especially when spent with like-minded crafters, is as hygge as it gets!

Read about Craft Friday’s start here, and check out Craft Friday posts from the last three years!

Want to join? Here are some ways:

Be sure to tag your social media posts #CraftFriday. Are you in? Let me know in the comments!

4 thoughts on “Craft Friday Draws Nigh!”

  1. I’m in!!! gathering ideas & supplies. And once again I will be in full craft mode on Craft Friday surrounded by craftgasm inspiration at clementine with Leah!! thank you for Craft Friday

  2. I’m in! I have two sweaters (one for each of my teenaged children) that need knitting between now and Christmas! Hopefully I can spend all day of Craft Friday knitting. Depends on who is at my house for Thanksgiving!

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