Ten on Tuesday: 5 + 5 Edition

Carole asked to hear about five things we enjoyed this summer and five things we’re looking forward to this summer. The pickle will be limiting each part of the list to only five, but here goes:


  1. I enjoyed my family reunion road trip in May. I had the pleasure of visiting with cousins I hadn’t seen in around 20 years, and the road trip included a stop in Cleveland (and lunch with the ever-inspiring Shannon), and a sojourn in PA to see Kentuck Knob and Falling Water. Wow. Wow. What amazing homes!
  2. I enjoyed a day at the beach. Alas, only one, but a good long dip in the ocean melts away my worries and anxieties. Maybe next summer I’ll get there more often!
  3. I enjoyed developing my sewing skills. I sewed a LOT this summer, and I learned from every single project. Details on those garments soon.
  4. I enjoyed the beautiful foods of summer, like strawberries, tomatoes warm from the sun, blueberries, and more tomatoes.
  5. I enjoyed long, lovely days and evenings on the porch, especially when it was filled with good conversation, stitching, and music.
  6. I’m looking forward to soups: tomato, butternut squash, potato leek, all made with bounty from the summer that’s waiting in my freezer to warm the cooler evenings of autumn.
  7. I’m looking forward to brisk air and colorful leaves while I hike the dogs in our woods.
  8. I’m looking forward to wearing cozy new sweaters I’ve been stitching.
  9. I’m looking forward to making so many projects from the newly-released Drop Dead Easy Knits–I swear, every project is calling my name (Keynote Pullover is up next for me!)
  10. I’m looking forward to Rhinebeck. I can’t wait to see all my favorite peeps in October!

How about you? What did you enjoy this summer? What are you looking forward to this fall?

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