Ethical Elegance: Knit Good Stuff

Joan I don’t know how many years I’ve been eyeing Nanne Kennedy’s toothy, honest, gorgeously dyed yarn at fiber festivals. Last fall, with my best enabler at my side, I stopped petting the yarn and purchased. I have no regrets. Not one.

My original intention was to use this femme pink yarn for a certain sweater I’ve been lusting after (I’m looking at you, Lorna Suzanne). I decided to be as prissy as I want the sweater to be and swatched, swatched, swatched, only to find I couldn’t get a fabric I liked at a gauge I wanted. I think I’m going to need a bit of Starcroft Light to find the just-right match of honest yarn and pattern for my dreamy, prissy sweater.

So what’s a knitter to do when she’s got a bag full of pink wool this good and a hankering for one of Ellen’s sweaters? She copies her pal Kirsten, and uses the Seacolors yarn for a newish arrival at Chez Odacier: Joan Fuller.

Ellen’s pattern writing is terrific. It’s as though she’s sitting next to me on the porch (in my mind, it is summer, always, and on a porch of one sort or another, always), leaning over to remind me what I should do next.

Still, we all know what a pokey knitter I am. Every day, I stitch another few rows before I go to bed, and I confess: it’s hard to sleep when I’ve just had those plump cables in my hand. Even if I don’t finish the sweater to wear this long, long winter, I’ll be ready for a Maine evening in September!

Gale taught me something: match a good, honest yarn by someone you really like with a terrific pattern from a friend you admire, and you’re bound to be happy. And happiness of this sort is exactly what ethical elegance means to me!

How about you? What’s your favorite yarn-pattern match up?

6 thoughts on “Ethical Elegance: Knit Good Stuff”

  1. I’m all misty here. I’m going to join you, I’m going to make one without the curve at the hemline and add the modification to the pattern or the pattern notes.

    And you’re right, my favorite items have connections and stories.

  2. I regret not picking up a skein of the seacolor’s yarn, next year! The sweater is looking lovely, can’t wait to see it, I’m sure it will be done by then (so you best get knittin’).

  3. Sweet! I helped enable someone at NE Fiber Festival buying skeins of Nanne’s yarn for a sweater. Not sure I haven’t taken the plunge. Perhaps not having a pattern in mind. Looking forward to seeing it finished and on you! Such a pretty pinky-red.

  4. your friend Gale is a smart (and talented!) woman. Joan Fuller seems totally to suit you. and the pink just makes a sassy statement with your lovely gray locks!

  5. I made a sweater with Starcroft in my dream color – Cove, but my own design. I wear it every day. I want to make one of Ellen’s next. I might have to buy more Starcroft…

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