2015 Postcard Project

postcardproject Well, hi there! How did your holidays go? I hope you enjoyed lots of festivities and that your crafting was delightful!

I’m gearing up for the new year, thinking and journaling about my love list. Every summer I pull out my watercolors and pencils and endeavor to improve my art skills. I have a ball, and I see progress. Then the semester begins, and I put away the tools and supplies that have given me such joy.

Near the top of my love list is this: I would love to make art every day. Another item: I would love to spread more joy in the world.

Like peanut butter and chocolate, those items, mashed up, lead to something better than the parts:

The 2015 Postcard Project

Here’s my idea. I’ll aim to create a postcard every day in 2015. Each will be a little artistic endeavor in which I play with lines, color, whatever moves me. I’ll write a note about my world, and I’ll mail it off. To you, if you like, and to 364 other lovely people around the world.

Want a postcard? Fill out this form. I pinky promise I won’t use your address in any other way or share it with anyone. Know someone who might enjoy a postcard? Please send them over!

41 thoughts on “2015 Postcard Project”

  1. What a lovely idea! Just added my address, I hope I can retribute your kindness in some way, if you send me yours with the postcard. I’m making some creative plans for 2015 too, gotta use all my inks and art supplies. Lots of ideas in the oven. 🙂

    Thank you a lot! Happy 2015!
    I found your blog through “a year of creative habits” group on Face, if you are wondering. Nice to meet you! 😀

  2. This is such a lovely idea – I’m honored to be part of it! Thank you!! (and I do hope you’re sharing your address so we can send some love your way, too?)

  3. I’ve got my paints. I’ve got my brushes. I may even have some paper. But I haven’t picked them up in years… I would really love to do that in 2015.

  4. The idea that I may receive one of your creations in my mail box is a happy one.
    Very generous of you and inspiring to me. Thank you.

  5. I love your idea! My goal is also to be creative each day. I love how you made your creativity resolution into a connection with others. I signed up both myself and my daughter who lives on the other side of the country.

  6. What a wonderful idea, and what an inspired way to touch 365 people in a personal, thoughtful, meaningful, and art-promoting way. You rock, Beverly!

  7. What a lovely idea. The world will be a better, softer, more personal place for you having spent your time doing this. Thank you!

  8. What an awesome idea! I love writing postcards. Every time I travel I always send a bunch to family and friends. My parents have saved every one I’ve sent and have them displayed in an artful way. Thank you for the opportunity to get happy mail!

  9. Love people who create. I hope to get some inspiration mojo from you. Do you want postcards back? Can’t do one over day but I can manage to send a few! Luck, love & joy in this endeavor. Rock on!

  10. What a beautiful idea! And a great motivator to create something every day. I hope you share some of the postcards as you go through the year, it would be neat to see how they change and grow over time.

  11. What a fun, creative and entertaining way to empower someone’s day! One lucky person will have the opportunity to have that powerful feeling of being special . . . and even, maybe, on a day they needed it most. Encouragement only takes a second and could last a life time. Kudos to you on this smart and clever idea!

  12. Great idea!! I may just have to break out my art supplies and get creative! Thanks for the inspiration I needed to take a break from shoveling snow!

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