Craft Friday Link Party

Happy Craft Friday!

I’m excited about the number of us who are crafting instead of shopping today. I knew I wasn’t alone in shunning Black Friday, and I figured I wasn’t the only crafter who spends the day making rather than buying~but, wow! Is it ever exciting to see our revolution take off!

Today, I invite you to write a declaration–post what feels right to you. Maybe:

  • why you’re rejecting Black Friday
  • what you love to craft for the holidays
  • your history of crafting gifts (did you start as a kid? a college student?)
  • your manifesto about crafting rather than buying

Email a link to your blog post to me at, and I’ll add links throughout the day to this post and share them on FaceBook and Twitter. On Instagram? Take sneak peek pictures of your crafting and post them using #CraftFriday.

To start off the link party, take a look at these terrific posts:

Kirsten from Through the Loops invites you to Craft Friday with a 50% off mitts and mittens gift.

MaryLou explores the magic of making and shopping your stash.

Margene shares that even “selfish” crafters can be part of the rebellion.

Earth Chick connects crafting and gratitude.

Earlier this week I called and ordered fabric from Clementine, and Leah shared that the shop is taking up Craft Friday. Lisa at Flying Goat Farm is, too. What about your local shop?

Oh, my declaration? Of course.

It’s been a dozen years since I last shopped on Black Friday. Most years I’ve visited family or friends, spent time knitting or sewing or crocheting, or written the first of my holiday greeting cards. The rejection of Black Friday didn’t start off that way; different priorities begged my attention, and I obliged. I’m relieved, though, not to feel the compulsion to get the best dealor beat the crowds.

This year, it seems more important to me to craft conscientiously on 11/28. I detest that some big box stores start Black Friday on Thanksgiving day. I’m baffled by the need and desire to shop on a day set aside for gratitude. The things don’t matter. People matter.

And crafting is a way for me to honor the people I love, to offer them something beautiful, to step away from crass consumerism. I like to buy my supplies from indy merchants, and I like to focus my mind on the person for whom I’m creating as I knit or paint or stitch. It matters to me that layers of love and good wishes are built into whatever I’m creating.

So for me, Craft Friday is about pushing back against what the commercials urge me to do. It’s about thoughtfulness and mindfulness. It’s about fun. It’s about the people I love.

Thanks for reading my declaration. Be sure to share yours! Viva la Craft Friday!

4 thoughts on “Craft Friday Link Party”

  1. I haven’t shopped on Black Friday for well over a decade. For me, the day after Thanksgiving is a perfect time to sit back with my family and . . . relax! This year, I did quite a bit of knitting, and cleaned out my sewing room so I can continue the Crafting through the days ahead! Thanks for the inspiration.

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