Let the Rebellion Begin: Craft Friday

IMG_5104Last year, bombarded by ads for big box stores bragging about being open on Thanksgiving, I gathered the ranks to disrupt cultural expectations that US citizens will replace what should be festive family time with crass consumerism. I’m still angry about Black Friday, and once again, I’m gathering supplies, and I’m channeling that anger into a CraftActivism style rebellion:

Craft Friday.

Want to join? Here are some ways:

Pinterest Craft Friday Board  (feel free to follow it, or follow me and ask to join the board if you want to pin on it). Tag your pins #CraftFriday

Twitter (again, tag related tweets with #CraftFriday).

Join the Flickr Group.

This weekend, I’m making two lists: folks to whom I want to give a gift, and hand made gift ideas. I’ll stash dive and then make a supply list and start shopping at non-big-box stores to gather all the goods I need for Craft Friday.

Let me know if you’re in by leaving a comment. And if you have a blog, write a declaration–you don’t have to spill the beans about what you’re going to make if your recipients read the blog, but how about you share WHY you’re inspired to make instead of shop? We’ll have a Craft Friday Declaration Post Party this Friday, November 28, and I’ll add a link round up here so you can feel the support and love of our community.

You in? Yeah, I figured you would be.


15 thoughts on “Let the Rebellion Begin: Craft Friday”

  1. We hold a Pay It Forward weekend at the yarn shop and collect food for the local food bank. It’s a way to bring folks to the small businesses in our area and for folks to share their work & ideas at our round table.

    Always room for one more!

  2. this is wonderful. I’m making the few gifts I’m giving this year (except for the baby. he actually needs some things they only sell in stores 🙂

  3. YES. I am definitely in! Not planning many knitted gifts this year, but I am committed to crafting and not shopping on Black Friday! I also want to use that day to try (again) to teach at least one of my sons to knit, so that he can maybe make some potholders for gifts.

  4. I’m in and I am going to blog about you and your idea. I think this will be a wonderful way to increase community for my farm and better my life in the process.

  5. Found this via Kristen Kapur. I’m in, and to add to it, my niece is joining me. She’s never been that interested, but at 30 her genes finally kicked in!!!

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