Here I am, fresh from my stylist’s chair. You know what she did today?
She cut and carved out the last bits of yellow.
Eleven months in, another 1.75″ cut, and I’ve pretty much reached my natural color. There is a tiny bit left in my fringe because I wasn’t willing to cut them any more. Originally I estimated I’d get to this point October 2014, but my willingness to wear my hair a bit shorter in the interest of speeding things along cut (get it? cut?) seven months off the project.
Growing out the silver was far less painful than I imagined. In fact, it was only in the last two months or so that the yellow ends began to bother me. Most days, I rolled my hair into a twist so I wouldn’t have to look at them.
My hair is shorter than it has been since we bleached it last April, but I’m pleased to have my real color shining through. To keep my hair shiny, I follow Em’s basic guidelines: consume healthy foods, don’t over wash (I usually wash every third day), use sulfate-free shampoo. Today she recommended that I use a violet shampoo every now and again, to counteract any deposits from water/pollution that my turn my hair dull.
Here’s another view:
You can read all about the Silver Locks Project. If you’re thinking of quitting the dye (and I am the last person to judge you if you are not interested in quitting the dye, trust me!), and you want more details about my journey, just leave a note in the comments. I’m glad to answer any questions!
It looks great! You have such volume also! One day, perhaps. I’d like to be a red head first!
I bleached my hair in my late 20s (to look like Kenneth Branagh in Hamlet), and when I got tired of bleached blonde, I colored it red–such fun! I had copper, I had bright red…lots of different shades. Colored red fades quickly, but I enjoyed it!
I love it! How fabulous do you feel?! I’m so proud of you for taking this journey.
I feel SO fabulous! I thought of you on my drive home–you’re encouragement has made a difference! xxx
I caved and colored mine. Yours looks wonderful!!!
You’re hair looks great. Love the cut and color. Which sulfate free shampoo do you like? I’ve tried a few and haven’t found one. I wash normally every other day. Mediterranean blood keeps me pretty oily in skin and hair.
I haven’t colored my hair in years. I’m about 30%, maybe 40% grey at this point and turned 40 this year. I expect to be fairly white like my father by 42. I’ve been good at resisting, so far. My motto is “whenever I’m vain, bad things happen.” Irrational I know, but there was a time I was going for blonde highlights and went out a redhead. Another time I ended up with tiger looking strips. The disasters have put the fear in me.
My plan has been to get a pixie cut on my 50th birthday (1.5 yrs from now), but the steps you have taken inspire me to reconsider. I especially love the red and blonde combination.
Your silver locks are gorgeous! I am so jealous of the beautiful silver. I have steely (not so pretty) gray mixed with mousy brown. Until more of my hair is gray, I will soldier on with the dyes and bleaches.
You look beautiful. I love this cut!
Your natural color is gorgeous and it suits you perfectly. I highlight my hair but I don’t do any all over color. The grays are starting to come in but not in huge numbers. Yet.
very pretty shade of gray and I think you look lovely and younger in your new do!
Rusk lavender and chamomile shampoo is excellent for those of us with silver locks. Gave up the dye several years ago (allergies). Welcome to the club. I honor your courage–and your hair and its stylist!
Ohh Beverley your hair is beautifully styled and you look fabulous.
I also took the plunge and quit the dye this past year. My hairdresser was so supportive and did a fantastic job of cutting my hair as I went through the process.
I’ve found it quite liberating actually and don’t miss those dye jobs at all! I do find that my hair looks a bit dull at times, so I was interested to read the recommendations of your hair dresser. I think I may try that purple product. How do you know if a shampoo is sulfate free?
You look fabulous! Well done for pushing through and it not taking as long as you thought!
You look fabulous!
LOVE it! You look fabulous. (Isn’t it freeing to just . . . let it go?)
so so lovely! YAY! Congrats Beverly! xx
I had a hair appointment right after I read this and it’s taken me since your first post to get the courage but this week I took the plunge! Highlights only – no color. I’ve got a bit of a stripe and time will tell, but I’m excited! Thanks for the motivation and your hair looks beautiful Bev!