Ten on Tuesday: Weekend Edition

Carole wants to hear about my (long) weekend, and when she asks, I respond! So here are some glimpses at what I did.

1. Cooked this spaghetti squash noodle bowl recipe (with adjustments). So. So. Good.

blanket stitch2. Taught a class on adding crochet edgings to pillowcases. I love doing this, and it is so easy. Just sew on a base using back stitch or blanket stitch, then crochet what ever edging you like onto the base. It is a fast, adorable project!

3. Crocheted granny squares for a Christmas stocking class I’m teaching. I’ve fallen madly in love (again) with crochet lately.

4. Started this baby blanket for a co-worker’s new boy. I’m using Berroco Vintage, and it feels great as I stitch–smooth, soft, not splitty.

5. Organized my supplies for Brene Brown’s OWN class “The Gifts of Imperfection”  (let me know if you’re taking it; I’d love to connect over this class).

6. Visited with good friends over Thai food.

7. Watched baseball with Neal. He’s a lifelong Cardinals fan. Need I say more?

8. Finished reading Half the Sky. I’m not a big fan of non-fiction, but this book was worth the time I spent reading it. I’m inspired to find a way to do more to empower women in other parts of the world. I’ll keep you posted when I figure out what that “do more” is!

9.Rode the stationery bike for 40 minutes. I did very little outside riding this year. I’m not meeting my 100-mile goal in 2013. I’ve already started thinking about 2014, though, and I’ve been increasing the time on the trainer. 40 minutes feels like a lot more than my old usual, 30 minutes!

10. Adopted this guy



It’s only been a month since we lost our darling Maddie, but I saw this gorgeous Siberian Husky on the Boot ‘n Kit page and had to meet him. He has been with us since Sunday afternoon, and so far, he’s a charming addition to the pack. Once we all get to know each other a bit more, I’ll give him his own post. Oh, his name?

Oskar Blue. Or just plain Oskar.

What did you do this weekend?

16 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: Weekend Edition”

  1. Thanks for sharing the spaghetti squash recipe! And congrats on the new dog – adorable! And the name is great – hubby is a fan.

  2. Your weekend sounds like a good mix of everything – and that spaghetti squash recipe sounds awesome. Congrats on the new member of your family, what a beautiful dog!

  3. Congrats on the new addition! You can never replace a dog, but a new furry heart definitely fills the hole a little bit. Enjoy his sweet little face. He is so handsome!

  4. congrats on your addition! When we lost our Zoe, within two days I was searching for another dog to love. Frodo made me love Zoe even more. May you have many happy years together 🙂

  5. You saved the big one for last! I love Siberian huskies (and Norwegian elkhounds and all those Arctic dogs), but they are too energetic for our sedentary household. Re: pillowcase edgings. Even just the blanket stitch looks good, better than plain.

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