The signs started to appear 50 miles back.
Your task over the next few days is to write a piece of flash fiction, a micro memoir, or a poem
(or more than one if you’re so moved) inspired by the prompt, with one catch: it must fit on the back
of a postcard.
Snap photos of the front and back of your finished postcards, and share them with the hashtag #roadtrip. You can post them to our Flickr group, share on Twitter, or let me know in the comments
where they are.Really, as long as you label your pictures with #roadtrip when you post them online, I should find them!
These prompts are for you. Use them as they inspire you. Give yourself the pleasure of surprise,
the joy of some time to write and complete a small piece.
And since every road trip is better with good tunes, here’s a mix to enjoy while you write. Thanks, Rae, for this week’s mix!
Be fearless, writers! I can’t wait to see what you create!
To make sure you receive the Road Trip writing prompts in your email, click here to subscribe to the #roadtrip prompts, and connect with me on Twitter!
P.S. I’m gathering prizes for participants! Sara from Et Voila Design is making a writers #roadtrip necklace to add to the prize list! Be sure to check out her site.
P.P.S. This Friday, I’ll post some of the #roadtrip stories for your enjoyment. Be sure to let me know where to find yours!
This was the toughest prompt yet. There were too many ways to approach it. It took me a while to find an idea that I could go with, and now I have one.
I can’t wait to read it!