Ten on Tuesday: On My Mind Edition

Carole asked for Ten Things on My Mind. It is an odd place, the mind, so prepare for randomness:

1. Dreams. I so rarely remember my dreams, but lately I’ve woken from a few that have stuck. They are always gruesome. Always. Today, upon 6 a.m. discovery that my university closed for weather, I snuggled under the covers only to awake from a dream about two gangs fighting on the roof of a hotel. There were turtles involved, but not Teenage Mutant Ninjas, rest assured.

2. France. In late May I’m heading to France to spend almost three weeks with Sara. I can’t stop thinking about it!

3. This pattern. Pretty much all of Kate Davies patterns, if I’m to be honest.

4. Potholders. I’ve been hard at work on the last two for my e-book Little Potholders with Big Ideas (click to pre-order!). Next week my graphic artist will take them all for their photo shoot. I can’t wait to see how he styles them!

5. Summer. Now that spring break is over, I’m closing in on summer break. Don’t get me wrong. I love my work. I’m just eager to spend sustained time on my own creative projects.

6. Sketching. I’m taking a class with Katie Rodgers to develop my fashion illustration skills. When I say develop, I mean from nothing. I enjoy sketching, but my skills are elementary. I’m learning a lot, though!

7. The Good Blog Project. I’ve been working with Courtney Carver through this project. She’s helped me to articulate what I want to do and start creating the work that is important to me. She’s opening another session in May, and I can’t recommend it enough.

8. Bloom. This is my One Little Word for 2013. It is constantly on my mind as I strive to bloom in a variety of ways.

9. Finding a writing scholarship. Not for myself, but to donate to. Charlotte Rains Dixon and I have hatched a writing project, and we want to donate proceeds from it to a writing scholarship for young women. It’s challenging to find one, though, so if you know of a great program, will you pass along information?

10. Biking. This snow day is a nice treat, but I was just beginning to think it is time to pull out my road bike. I can’t wait to bike outside!

What’s on your mind?

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6 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: On My Mind Edition”

  1. What a nice list. I’m afraid mine didn’t start out so nice, though thankfully evolved to more positive items. I’m intrigued by both classes you mentioned. If only I had it in my budget. *sigh*

  2. #7–Thanks for the link. I’ve had a blog for almost 9 years, but really would like to reinvent it. 🙂 I’m going to check out this link and your upcoming ebook.

  3. Hi Beverly,
    how is it going with #6? I’m really curious to see how an online sketching course works.

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