My Hot Hair Mess

Two weeks ago I was supposed to be in my stylist’s chair, entering the next phase of my Silver Locks Project.

Alas, my car would not start.

I had to cancel. Em’s busy, and we finally chatted yesterday to reschedule.

“Are the hair gods against this?” she asked. Trust me, I’ve wondered the same thing.

“If so, we’ll defy them,” I said.

I asked Em for advice on how I handle this awkward time, with my locks still brunette and my roots white as, well, snow?

Two options:

1. I can touch up the roots just at my part with this fabu product.


2. I can grin and bear the dreaded skunk stripe.

For now, I’m going with option 2.  My next appointment is still three weeks away, so that may change.

Want to see how the silver grows? Of course you do:

hairI spread the character streak out a little to make the contrast easier to see; yellow hair is bleached. White is my future.


14 thoughts on “My Hot Hair Mess”

    1. Thanks, Mary! Knowing I can touch up the roots without ruining the plan of action makes it easier to leave them be, if that makes sense?

    1. Oh, I see it all as a grand adventure, like the rest of life! I don’t notice a texture difference, but that may be because most of the hair length still has color on it. I have always had fine hair with a bit of wave…I’m hoping the wave exaggerates once the color is removed!

  1. You look beautiful!In my mind I have been comparing it to people who lose a lot of weight. Many of them say even though they have lost the weight, the process of seeing themselves as a thinner person takes time.
    It is definitely a process accepting a new version of your hair/yourself. I have to agree that right now the texture of my hair is a big challenge for me. My hair has become very coarse and dry and I’m trying to find the right products to keep it healthy. At the moment, Kiehl’s Silk Groom is my favorite product.

    1. Thanks, Mona. It sounds like an apt comparison. About 11 years ago, I lost a log of weight, and it took about 2 years to “accept” my new look. I’ll be curious to see if my texture changes, too. My oldest brother’s hair is all white (so handsome!), but it seems soft, not coarse.

  2. I have two good friends who have finally let their hair go silver, and it was an awkward grow out for a while there, but the results? Sooooooooo worth it! Hang tough! The platinum and silver is worth it!

  3. it’s like swimming in the ocean knowing the rescue boat is within arm length. I think it’s exciting, cannot wait to see the results from your next appointment. Bon courage!

  4. I just wandered over here via Gale Zucker. I went silver a couple of years ago and love it. (Lazy, cheap…) It did take a while and some touching up to avoid the total stripe look, but hang in there.

  5. Your hair looks great, not a hot mess at all. I’m currently pondering starting that transition myself, after coloring to cover the grey since I was 19. Your conversion is definitely inspirational!

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