Ten on Tuesday: Hearts Edition

Carole asked for Ten Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day. Here goes:

1. Read Chaucer’s The Parliament of Fowles. Really, I mean it! I translated it for an independent study on Chaucer when I took my first graduate degree. I thought it was a hoot!

2. Ok, Chaucer doesn’t appeal? How about Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18?

3. Want something more contemporary? One of my very favorite poems, read at my wedding, is D.H. Lawrence’s “Fidelity”. (scroll down a bit)

4. Make your sweet heart a valentine. From scratch.

5. Bake something gooey for co-workers (or in my case, students)

6. Send mushy texts to your siblings, nieces, nephews.

7. Mail your parents, grandparents, godparents (whomever you have) a loving note.

8. Show your heart how much you adore it…work up a good sweat.

9. Make a dinner with all red foods. I’m planning on pomegranates for dessert.

10. Wear the reddest lipstick you own and kiss everyone who will let you (on the cheek is fine!).

What will you do to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

4 thoughts on “Ten on Tuesday: Hearts Edition”

  1. congrats on the ebook! (previewing those patterns is the closest I’ve been to wishing I crocheted!)…and LOVE your Valentines List. I’m going to checkout the poems and I have a very long run scheduled for Thursday morning. xx (with red lips!)

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