
On this day in 2005, I tap tapped on the microphone that was Wearing Black in New Mexico and entered into a brand new world.

Six months later, I moved to PoMo Golightly, where I blogged about moving back East, writing, my dogs, my wedding, books, my life.

Seven years later, I’m settled in to my very own site, and as grateful as ever to have this lovely space and my amazing readers.

I’ve met countless friends from all around the world, learned so much, and enjoyed sharing my little bit of the world.

Thank you. Thank you for reading, for commenting, for emailing. Thank you for giving me a community, educating me, challenging me, and comforting me.


8 thoughts on “Seven!”

  1. I am so glad that you continue to keep your blog updated and going! It is always a pleasure to read your thoughts.

  2. Congratulations!

    I can’t believe we’ve known each other over 6 years. Where has the time gone?! Life would not be the same without you, sweetheart.


  3. hi! this has nothing to do with anything other than the fact that I always rely on you for inspiration … and good ideas. And good taste. I LOVED your whole look for the wedding. Do you think if I wear something like that to a wedding in late September it’s going to be “too late” in the season? (You know, weather permitting?) Because you ROCKED THAT LOOK, marlo thomas.

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