Do the Hustle

I’m in hustle mode.

I want to visit Sara in spring 2013, and I have my sights set on Italy, too. At the same time that I save for my trip, Neal and I are going into frugal mode to reach our savings goal for the mud room/guest bedroom addition. I decided yesterday that the only way I could save fundsĀ guilt-free for my trip when there is a family project to save for would be to, you guessed it, hustle.

As in hustle my bustle.

Did your mom or gram say that, too? It remains one of my favorite family phrases.

So what’s my plan of action? Here’s Phase 1:

  1. Reverse my decision to quit my side job. A few times a year, I teach SAT prep. I was ready to give it up in an effort to create more time for developing Open Road Writing, but instead I’ll hang in there and sock my side-job paychecks in my travel fund.
  2. Destash. Yesterday I did a preliminary culling of the stash. I’ll be honest: it’s epic. Even with the first culling done, I have enough yarn to keep me busy for years. Keep your eyes peeled for the big Help-Me-Go-To-See-Sara Sale!
  3. Part with unused clothes, shoes, and handbags. During my initial Project 333 periods, I gave a lot of clothes away. A LOT. Now I’m facing the question: would I rather have a pair of shoes I rarely wear, or an extra day with Sara? I guess you know what my decision is.

I’m excited for the challenge of this double savings goal that will also help me create more room in my house. I’m a good saver. Let’s see if I’m good with the hustle, too.

And, yes, you are so welcome for this ear worm.

4 thoughts on “Do the Hustle”

  1. I think having a plan really helps when it comes to savings and meeting goals. You won’t resent the side job when you know the money is for something that’s so important to you. I’m ready for your stash sale!

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